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Our Little Angel
I love Care Bears!

One movie I love

Our Christmas Eve Fairy Princess
Eve has joined KinderSport this winter.
believe in happily ever after.

Eve twirls too!

Elmo loves Eve

 ~Eve Sonja Bilmer~
 Five Years old
This is Eve the self proclaimed Fairy princess of her own little world.. Eve loves dressing up and playing when she is not at school. Her favorite movie is Monster House.. and her Favorite T.V show is Dora and Bratz . She likes everything Girly like polly pockets and Barbie dolls.
She loves  Fairy Tales and dressing up .
Eve is attending primary this year and making lots and lots of friends. She has started reading as well .  Eve loves Music class and  recess.
She is  also a Baton Twirler,and has been in more than ten parades . Dynamite Twirlers is her group .Eve has made so many new friends this year!

Aquamarine twirler

This is me ..Eve..

care like a care bear
poo on you..
Eve believes in fairies
I love twirling
I'm an angel!
Tasha  Eve's Unicorn
playing with brudder

There's NO Place Like HOME!