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The Family took a drive to Victoria Park to see the Falls,and we weren't disappointed! The Falls were so beautiful this is just a small sampling of how incredible they really were. There was a short walk through a very richly coloured forest with lots of little suprises along the way. It was easy to bring the kids are the pictures.

Victoria Falls Park October 2005
Victoria Park Falls in Truro,Nova Scotia

This year We all went to the Fair. Justina and Hev did their own stuff and checked out exibits and stuff that interested them. Todd Had Magnus with him mostly and I had Eve with me mostly ..then we all met up for a food and took another walk around together as a family.. I like the way that went . Everyone really enjoyed  everything at our own paces.

The Kids at the Fair!
The Little Ones really loved the animals

I took these two pictures below to show grandma how awesome the rug and quilts were.. there is a  rug is used as the backround in the pic.. and the quilt above eve is cropped and blown up for some detail ..I didnt realize quilts could really be so creative .I always appreicated them before for the hard work involved but wow .. the acadian quilt unfortunatly was even more blurry of a picture..

Eve and I took a nice long walk through the crafts

This picture turned out blurred acadian quilt.

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